In order to take full advantage of this product, make sure that it is the latest version, which can always be found at our web site.
Web site:
Fax: 1 (425) 889 8745
Basta Computing
P. O. Box 2173
Kirkland, WA 98083-2173
The price of a single end user license to use %s is $%d.00 U.S. dollars.
There are several ways to register our products for your convenience. Please visit our web site to review the latest available options. We are constantly improving the registration process.
Internet (Visa, MasterCard, AMEX):
- Please visit our web site for more information.
Phone through Altus Software Marketing (Visa, MasterCard, AMEX):
- You can purchase this product through the CompuServe online service and have it charged to your CompuServe account.
Postal mail (Visa, MasterCard, AMEX, Checks, Money Orders, Cash):
- Checks and Money Orders should be made payable to Basta Computing.
- We accept cash, but we cannot be held liable if it gets lost or stolen in transit.
- All financial transactions must be in U.S. dollars.
- Include your full name and e-mail address with your payment.
- Provide registration information:
- Online: Submit the online form at our web site.
- Off-line: Fill out, print, and include the enclosed registration form with your payment.
Special pricing is available to customers who are purchasing multiple licenses or referring new customers. Please visit our web site for more information about our promotions.
In addition to supporting the shareware concept and the publishers of this program, you will receive the following when you register this product:
- Single end user license(s) granting you rights to use the software.
- A personal password to disable the expiration mechanism and the nag screen.
- Free upgrades.
- Priority support over unregistered customers.
- We do not give out customer information.
Registration passwords are normally e-mailed to you within two business days after collecting your payment, which may take a few days with check payments. Please visit our web site for more information.
By registering the product, you will be accepting the following terms:
- You agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of the end user license agreement.
- Passwords are subject to change. However all registered users may request updated passwords for future versions, free of charge.
- You may need to re-enter the password if your computer configuration changes.
- We will not be obligated to give out the password more than once, unless it has changed. So please keep it in a safe place.